Previous Workouts

Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.

Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 18:00 at tempo pace, 1 x 20:00-30:00 (you choose within that range) at normal run pace, 1 x 18:00 at tempo pace. [This is a long workout, so i) feel free to get started early and ii) cut the length of the second tempo interval if you did not run last week's workout.]
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3- to 4-mile warm-up before announcements. 4 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 2 miles at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 3:00 recovery jog (try to warm up for at least two miles and cool down for two miles).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace. 400m recovery after the first three intervals, 200m recovery after the next two intervals.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2025m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: [SMC said that the track would be closed 12/31, so the following is an unofficial, suggested workout] 3-mile fartlek run. Work in small groups of 3-5 people running in a pace line. Rear runner moves to front at a gradual pace.

N.B.: Meet at 4:00 p.m. at Montana and Franklin (across from the Brentwood Country Club).
Regular group: [SMC said that the track would be closed 12/24, so the following is an unofficial, suggested workout]
5-6 x 600m hill repeats up Franklin at 3K-5K pace. Jog return down Franklin for recovery.

N.B.: Meet at 4:00 p.m. at Montana and Franklin (across from the Brentwood Country Club).
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 400m, 1 x 1200m). 400's at mile pace, 1200's at 5K pace. 200m jog after 400's, slow 400m jog after 1200's.

***N.B.: We will meet at the Santa Monica College track (just south of 17th and Pico).***
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3:00 recovery jog. (If you are not racing Sunday, consider running the last 2000m at 5K pace.)
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:30-4:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-3:30 recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. All intervals at 3K-5K pace, but be consistent.
Regular group: 3 x 400m, 2 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 2:00 recoveries after 400's; 3:00-4:00 recoveries after 1200's. 400's at mile pace; 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second through fourth intervals at 5K pace, fifth and sixth intervals at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after second interval, 2:00 recoveries after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
If you missed the mile trial last week or want to run it again to see if you can better your time, run the first interval all-out (and let the timers know beforehand), then recover until the 800m interval and run those last two intervals.
22nd Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 7:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 7:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 8:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 8:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 8:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 2 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10:00 jog (yes, keep moving) after first interval, 3:00 recoveries after second interval.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 800's at mile pace; 400's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after all intervals. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 3 x 1 mile at tempo pace with 1:30-2:00 jog recoveries.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace). 4:00 jog recoveries after 800's, 3:00 jog recoveries after 400's. Keep your pace in mind during the first interval so that you can dial it in as soon as possible, and focus on the 800m intervals. Also, warm up well for this or you will likely be too slow on the first interval; take some strides at faster than mile pace.
Regular group: Two sets of 5 x 400m at mile pace. 1:30-2:00 jog recoveries within sets, 3:00 jog recovery between sets.
Regular group: 3 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 3 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 2:00 jog recovery after 400's, 4:00 jog recovery after 800's. The critical part of the workout is to run the second 800m interval as fast as the first.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 8 x 400m at mile pace. 2:00 recoveries after all intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 3 mile progression run out to 26th Street and back. First mile at tempo pace, second mile at 10K pace, third mile at 5K pace. Shift gears at 20th Street.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 6:00 slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 5:00 slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4:00 slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 90%-95% max effort.
Regular group: 3 x 1 mile at slightly faster than 5K pace with 4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 2 x 2.1 miles (i.e., one loop of the golf course) at 10K pace with 5:00 recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1 mile at tempo with 2:00 recoveries. Start up Franklin, first right on Lipton, first right on Berkeley, first right on Stanford, return to starting point.
Regular group: 5-6 x 600m hill repeats up Franklin at 3K-5K pace. Jog return down Franklin for recovery.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:00-4:00 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200's, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400.
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second interval at 5K pace, third and fourth intervals 3-4 seconds/lap faster, fifth interval at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 400m, 1 x 1200m). 400's at mile pace, 1200's at 5K pace. 200m jog after 400's, slow 400m jog after 1200's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m at 5K pace. 3:00 to 4:00 recoveries after the first two intervals, 2:00 recovery after the third interval.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 15:00 normal pace recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with slow 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 18:00 at tempo with 30:00 run.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. All intervals at 3K-5K pace, but be consistent.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 sets of 3 x 1 mile at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 1:00 recoveries within sets, 30:00 normal run between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 3 miles at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 15:00 normal pace recovery.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, 200m jog after 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 12:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200's, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 6-8 x 1600m at tempo pace with 1:00 recoveries (max. 45 minutes of tempo work).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15:00, 1 x 10:00 at tempo pace with 3:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2024m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: Case Relays. Teams of two or three. Repeating 400's or 800's (to be decided at the workout).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace. **This is a good back-to-the-track workout for those that ran CIM.**
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with slow 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
CIM group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
CIM group: 2-3 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. All intervals at 3K-5K pace, but be consistent.
CIM group: 4 x 10:00 at 10K pace (about 20 sec./mile slower than 5K pace) with 4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall Marathon group: 7-8 x 1 mile at 5K pace + 10-15 seconds/mile, 2:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, 200m jog after 400's.
Fall Marathon group: 1 x 6 miles at marathon pace (you get a treat).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 2 x 1200m at 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace.
Fall Marathon group: 3 x 2 miles at 5K pace + 10 seconds/mile, 4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Fall marathon group: t.b.a.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 12 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2:00 jog recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: Yasso 800's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 3200m, 1 x 1600m at 10K pace with 3:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m at slightly slower than 5K pace with 3:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
If you missed the mile trial last week or want to run it again to see if you can better your time, run the first interval all-out (and let the timers know beforehand), then recover until the 800m interval and run those last two intervals.
21st Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 2 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10:00 jog (yes, keep moving) after first interval, 3:00 recoveries after second interval.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 800's at mile pace; 400's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after all intervals. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 3:00 jog recovery after 400's. Keep your pace in mind during the first interval so that you can dial it in as soon as possible, and focus on the 800m intervals. Also, warm up well for this or you will likely be too slow on the first interval; take some strides at faster than mile pace.
Regular group: 2 sets of 5 x 400m at mile pace with 1:30-2:00 jog recovery within sets and 3:00 jog recovery between sets.
Regular group: 3 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 3 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 2:00 jog recovery after 400's, 4:00 jog recovery after 800's. The critical part of the workout is to run the second 800m interval as fast as the first.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 x 400m. First interval at 5K or tempo pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 2:00-3:00 recovery jog after the first interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals. If your focus is on endurance, run the 1600m at 5K pace and run the 400's until you fall off pace. If your focus is on speed, run the 1600m at tempo pace and then run all 400m intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace (30 seconds per mile slower than 5K pace), second interval at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1:00-2:00 recovery after first interval (to accommodate setting up fewer groups), 3:00-3:30 recovery after second interval, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 7 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 5 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 3 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 90%-95% max effort.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 4:00 recovery. If you want to take it a bit easier, run the last 1600m at 10K pace.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m. First two intervals at 10K pace with 3:00 recoveries. Last interval at 5K pace.
Regular group: 5-6 x 600m hill repeats up Franklin at 3K-5K pace. Jog return down Franklin for recovery.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-3:30 recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200's, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second interval at 5K pace, third and fourth intervals 3-4 seconds/lap faster, fifth interval at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Spring marathon group: 6 x 1000m at 5K pace or slightly faster with 3:00 recoveries. [Or 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.]
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Spring marathon group: 6 x 1600m between 5K and 10K pace with 3:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 2 x 10:00 at 10K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Spring marathon group: 3 x 10:00 at 10K pace with 4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace; middle intervals at 3K pace.
Spring marathon group: 10 x 800m Yasso's [OR 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog].
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Spring marathon group: 2 x 20:00 at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery run.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Spring marathon group: 5 x 1600m between 5K and 10K pace with 3:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Spring marathon group: 2 x 10:00, 1 x 5:00 at 10K pace with 4:00 recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with slow 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Spring marathon group: 10 x 800m Yasso's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Spring marathon group: 2 x 20:00 at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery run.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200's, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400.
Spring Marathon group: 5 x 1000m at 5K pace with 3:00 recoveries. Thursday: 3 x 6:00 at tempo pace, 1 x 15:00 at normal pace, 2-3 x 6:00 at tempo pace (1:00 recoveries within tempo sets).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Spring marathon group: 2-3 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 2 x 1200m at 5K pace, 3-4 x 400m at mile pace.
Spring marathon group: 3-4 x 1 mile at 5K pace with 3:00 recovery jogs.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2023m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. All intervals at 3K-5K pace; just be consistent.
CIM group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
CIM group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with slow 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
CIM group: 3 x 12:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, 200m jog after 400's.
CIM group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 2:00 recovery after even intervals.
NY Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jogs.
CIM group: Two sets of 2-3 x 1 mile at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 1:00 recovery within sets, 15:00-20:00 run between sets.
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
NY Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 2 x 1200m at 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute normal pace recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 5-7 x six minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with one-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute normal pace recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00 recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 12:00 at tempo pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals. If you missed the mile trial last week or want to run it again to see if you can better your time, run the first interval all-out (and let the timers know beforehand), then recover until the 800m interval and run those last two intervals.
20th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 2 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10:00 jog (yes, keep moving) after first interval, 3:00 recoveries after second interval.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 800's at mile pace; 400's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after all intervals. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 10 x 400m at mile pace with 1:30-2:00 jog recoveries.
Regular group: 2 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 2 x 200m at 800m pace). 800m pace is about 5-6 seconds per lap faster than your lap speed for mile pace. 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after remaining intervals within set, 3:00 jog between sets. As you go into the second set, the 800m interval is the key interval.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 3:00 jog recovery after 400's. Keep your pace in mind during the first interval so that you can dial it in as soon as possible, and focus on the 800m intervals. Also, warm up well for this or you will likely be too slow on the first interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 x 400m. First interval at 5K or tempo pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 2:00-3:00 recovery jog after the first interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals. If your focus is on endurance, run the 1600m at 5K pace and run the 400's until you fall off pace. If your focus is on speed, run the 1600m at tempo pace and then run all 400m intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace (30 seconds per mile slower than 5K pace), second interval at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1:00-2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00-4:00 recovery after second interval, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 7 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 5 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 3 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 90%-95% max effort.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-3:30 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 1600m at tempo pace, 1200m at 5K pace, 800's at 3K pace, 400's at mile pace. 1:00 recovery after first interval, 400m jog recovery after next three intervals, and 2:00 jog recovery after the fifth interval.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. 400m slow jog after 1200's, 200m slow jog after 400's.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 2:00 recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200's, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace starting at the Pier, up to San Vicente and back.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 2 x 1200m at 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. All intervals at 3K-5K pace; just be consistent.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with slow 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30-4:00 recovery after the 1200's, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400.
4 sets of (1 x 800m, 1 x 400m). 800's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. 3:00 jog after 800's, 2:00 jog after 400's.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2022m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if your 5K pace is 6:00/mile, assuming you run the slow 400 first, alternate between 110 seconds/lap and 90 seconds/lap).
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium. The pace difference should only be about two seconds per 400m, with the medium laps at 5K pace.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3:00 jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. 1200's at 5K pace, 800's moderately faster.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Fall marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog with recovery of 2:00 up to equal time (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after first interval, slow 200m jog after all other intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, 200m jog after 400's.
CIM group: 3 x 12:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog. Try to get to the track early so that you can get in a 30:00 warm-up run.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First two intervals at 5K pace, next two intervals 3-4 seconds/lap faster, last interval at mile pace. 4:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00-4:00 recoveries after remaining intervals.
CIM group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog. This is a long workout, so you might try to get organized and get going before the regular group starts.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 6-7 x 6:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 0:30 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 800m and 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00 recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 12:00 at tempo pace with 2:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals. If you missed the mile trial two weeks ago or want to run it again to see if you can better your time, run the first interval all-out (and let the timers know beforehand), then recover until the 800m interval and run those last two intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 2 miles at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 3:00 recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 600m uphill, recover downhill. Odd intervals at a relaxed tempo pace, even intervals hard.
19th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 800's at mile pace; 400's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 3:30 jog recovery after all intervals. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 2 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10:00 jog (yes, keep moving) after first interval, 3:00 recoveries after second interval.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 800's at mile pace; 400's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after all intervals. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 10 x 400m at mile pace with 1:30-2:00 jog recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 400m, 3 x 800m, 2 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 2:00 jog recovery after 400's, 4:00+ jog recovery after 800's. The critical part of the workout is to run the second two 800m intervals as fast as the first.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace (approximately 15 seconds/lap slower than your mile pace), remaining intervals at mile pace. 2:00-3:00 recovery jog after the first interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 2 sets of (1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. 3:00-4:00 recovery jog after 1200's, 2:00 recovery jog after 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 7 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 5 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 3 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 90%-95% max effort.
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace). 3:00 recoveries after 800's, 2:00 recoveries after 400's.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1500m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 1:00 recovery after first interval, 400m jog recovery for next three intervals, and 200m jog recovery after the fifth interval. 1500m at tempo pace, 1200m at 5K pace, 800's at 3K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-3:30 recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, Slow 200m jog after 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 10K pace, second interval at 5K pace, third interval 3-4 seconds/lap faster, fourth interval at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00-3:30 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 2 x 1200m at 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. 1200's at 5K pace, 800's moderately faster.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, Slow 200m jog after 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30 recovery after the 1200, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 3:30 recovery after the 1200's, 3:00 recovery after the 800's, 2:00 recovery after the 400.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2021m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1 mile at tempo pace with 2:00 recovery jogs. 1-3. Up Franklin, right on Lipton, right on Berkeley, right on Montana.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. At slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace. Recoveries are 3:30, 3:00, and 3:30.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace. Recoveries are 4:00, 3:30, and 3:00.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. 1. SV down to 14th St. and return at tempo pace (2:30 recovery jog). 2. SV down to 19th St., right up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV, down SV to 22nd St. at 10K pace (2:30 recovery down to 19th St.). 3. Up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV, down SV to 21st Pl. at 5K pace. Meet on SV at 22nd St.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1. SV down to 14th and return (3:30 recovery). 2. Up La Mesa to 21st St., right on 21st, right on SV, down to 19th St. (3:00 recovery). 3. SV up to 21st St. alley (2:00 recovery). 4. SV down to 19th St. (2:00 recovery). 5. Up La Mesa to 21st St., right on 21st, right on SV, down to 19th St. (3:00 recovery). 6. SV down to 14th and return. First, second, fifth, and sixth intervals at 5K pace; middle intervals at mile pace. Meet at 19th St.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1. Up La Mesa, to 21st St. (recover right on 21st St, right on SV down to 19th St.). 2. Up La Mesa to 24th St., right on 24th, right on SV, down to 19th St. (3:00 recovery up to 21st St.). 3. SV down to 11th St. (3:30 recovery). 4. SV up to 21st St. (3:30 recovery down to 19th St.). 5. Up La Mesa to 24th St., right on 24th, right on SV, down to 19th St. (3:00 recovery). 6. Up La Mesa, to 21st St. All intervals at 5K pace or slightly faster. Meet at 21st St.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace. Odd intervals: SV down to 14th St. (slow recovery to Carlyle). Even intervals: Carlyle up to 21st St. (slow recovery to SV). This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. 1. Up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV, right on SV down to 19th St. (recover 3:00 down SV to 17th St.). 2. SV up to 21st St. (2:00 recovery jog. 3. SV down to 11th St. (3:00 recovery). 4. SV up to 14th St. (2:00 recovery). 5. SV up to 21st St. (recover down SV to 17th St.). 6. SV up to 21st St. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. Meet at SV and 21st St. (though the workout starts at SV and 19th St.).
18th Annual Cahn Mile. We will run in one heat starting at 6:45 p.m. Allow ample time for warming up, including i) about five minutes at tempo pace at the end of your warm-up run and ii) 2-4 80m strides shortly before 6:45 p.m.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 1-3. 21st St. (north side of SV) to La Mesa, right up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV, down SV to 21st St. (recover 4:00, but move down to 20th St. after third interval). 4-7. SV up to 21st Pl. (2:30 recovery jog down to 20th St.). Intervals 1-3 at mile pace, intervals 4-7 at mile pace or slightly faster. Meet at SV and 21st Place.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. 1. 21st St. (north side of SV) down to 17th St. and return (10:00 jog recovery ending at 20th St.). 2-4. SV up to 21st Pl. (2:00 recovery jog down to 20th St.). First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 1-3. 21st St. (north side of SV) to La Mesa, right up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV, down SV to 21st St. (recover 4:00, but move down to 20th St. after third interval). 4-7. SV up to 21st Pl. (2:30 recovery jog down to 20th St.). Intervals 1-3 at mile pace, intervals 4-7 at mile pace or slightly faster. Meet at SV and 21st Place.
Regular group: 10 x 400m at mile pace. 1. SV down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery to 17th St.). 2. Down to 14th St. (2:00 recovery ). 3. Up to 17th St. (2:00 recovery to 18th St.). 4. Up to 21st Pl. (2:00 recovery). 5. Down to 18th St. (slow recovery to Georgina). 6. Up to 21st Pl. (recover to Carlyle). 7. Down to 18th St. (recover to Georgina). 8. Up to 21st Pl. (recover to SV). 9. Down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery) 10. Up to 21st Pl. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Place.
Regular group: 1 x 2400m, 5 x 400m. First interval tempo pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1. SV down to 11th St. and return (recovery jog down SV to 18th St.). 2. Up to 21st Pl. (2:00 recovery). 3. Down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery). 4. Up to 21st Pl. (2:00 recovery). 5. Down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery). 6. Up to 21st Pl. Meet at SV and 21st St.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 1-3. 21st St. (north side of SV) to La Mesa, right up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV, down SV to 21st St. (recover 4:00, but move down to 20th St. after third interval). 4-7. SV up to 21st Pl. (2:30 recovery jog down to 20th St.). Intervals 1-3 at mile pace, intervals 4-7 at mile pace or slightly faster. Meet at SV and 21st Place.
Regular group: Two sets of the following. 1. Up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV (recover 4:00 down SV to 21st Pl.). 2. SV down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery jog up to 20th St). 3. SV up to 21st Pl. (2:30 recovery jog down to 20th St.). 4. SV up to 21st Pl. (recover 2:30 down to 19th St.). Intervals 1, 2, 5, and 6 at mile pace. Intervals 3, 4, 7, and 8 at 800m pace (about 5-6 seconds per 400m faster than your mile pace). Meet at SV and 21st Place (though the workout proper starts at SV and 19th St.).
Regular group: Eight intervals at mile pace. 1. SV down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery jog). 2. SV up to 21st Pl. (2:00 recovery jog). 3. SV down to 18th St. (recover 2:00 up SV to 19th St.). 4. Up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV (recover 4:00 down SV to 19th St.). 5. Up La Mesa, right on 24th to SV (recover 4:00 down SV to 18th St.). 6. SV up to 21st Pl. (2:00 recovery jog). 7. SV down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery jog). 8. SV up to 21st Pl. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Place, and essentially is 3 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 3 x 400m.
Regular group: Eight intervals. 1. SV down to 14th St. and back at tempo pace. (2:00 recovery jog). 2. SV down to 17th St. and back at 5K pace (3:00 recovery jog). 3. SV and 21st Place down to 18th St. at mile pace (recover to Georgina). 4. Up to 21st Pl. at mile pace (recover to Carlyle). 5. Down to 18th St. at mile pace (recover to Georgina). 6. Up to 21st Pl. at mile pace (recover to SV). 7. Down to 18th St. (2:00 recovery). 8. Up to 21st Pl. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Six intervals. 1. SV down to 14th St. and back at tempo pace. (2:00 recovery jog). 2. Down to 16th St. and back at 5K pace (3:00 recovery jog). 3. Down to 17th St. at mile pace (2:00 recovery jog). 4. Down to 14th St. at mile pace (2:00 recovery jog). 5. Up to 17th St. at mile pace (2:00 recovery jog). 6. Up to 21st St. at mile pace. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Four intervals generally at 5K pace, but run the last 400m of each interval at 90% max effort. 1. SV down to 14th St. and return (recover by jogging up to 26th and back to 21st). 2. Up SV, left on 24th St., left on La Mesa, finish at SV (recover by jogging on SV up to 23rd and back to 21st). 3. SV down to 14th (recover by jogging up to 17th). 4. SV up to 21st. Meet at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Six intervals. 1. SV down to 14th St. and return. (3:30 recovery jog). 2. Down to 17th St. (recovery jog to Georgina). 3. Up to 21st St. (recovery jog to SV). 4. Down to 17th St. (recovery jog to Georgina). 5. Up to 21st St. (recovery jog to SV). 6. SV down to 14th St. and return. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Three intervals at 10K pace with 3:00 jog recovery. SV down to 14th St. and return. Repeat two more times. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 22nd Street.
Regular group: 1 x 3-4 miles at tempo pace. For 4 miles: SV down to 7th St., return and repeat. For 3 miles: SV down to 12th St., return and repeat. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. 1. SV down to 14th St. (slow recovery jog up to 17th St.). 2. Down to 7th St. (3:30 recovery). 3. Up to 17th St. (slow recovery jog down to 14th St.). 4. Up to 24th St. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 24th Street.
Regular group: Five intervals. 1. SV down to 14th St. (slow recovery to Georgina). 2. Georgina up to 22nd St. (slow recovery to SV). 3. SV down to 14th St. (slow recovery to Georgina). 4. Georgina up to 22nd St. (slow recovery to SV). 5. 22nd Ct. up SV, left on 24th St., left on La Mesa, end at SV and 19th St. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 22nd Street.
Regular group: Seven intervals. 1. SV down to 17th St. (slow recovery to Georgina). 2. Georgina up to 21st St. (slow recovery to SV). 3. SV down to 14th St. (recover down to 7th St.). 4. SV up to 21st St. (slow recovery down to 14th St.). 5. SV up to 21st St. (3:00 recovery). 6. SV down to 17th St. (slow recovery to Georgina). 7. Georgina up to 21st St. First, second, second-to-last, and last intervals at mile pace, middle intervals appropriately slower. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Six intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Odd intervals: SV down to 14th St. (slow recovery to Carlyle). Even intervals: Carlyle up to 21st St. (slow recovery to SV). This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Six intervals. 1. Georgina down to 17th St. (slow recovery to Carlyle). 2. Carlyle down to 10th Ct. (slow recovery to SV and 11th). 3. SV up to 21st St. (3:30 recovery jog). 4. SV down to 11th (recovery to Carlyle and 10th Ct.). 5. Carlyle up to 17th (slow recovery to Georgina). 6. Georgina up to 21st. First and last intervals at mile pace, middle intervals appropriately slower. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 21st Street.
Regular group: Six intervals. 1. La Mesa up to 24th St., 24th to SV, SV to 19th (4:00 recovery ending at SV and 21st St.). 2. SV down to 17th (2:00 recovery jog). 3. SV down to Lincoln (3:30 recovery jog). 4. SV up to 11th (2:00 recovery jog). 5. SV up to 17th (3:00 recovery jog). 6. SV up to 21st. Odd intervals at 5K pace, even intervals at mile pace. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 19th Street.
Regular group: Six intervals. 1. SV down to 7th St. (3:30 recovery jog). 2. SV down to Ocean (3:00 recovery jog). 3. Georgina up to 4th St. (2:00 recovery jog). 4. Georgina down to Ocean (2:00 recovery jog). 5. SV up to 7th (3:00 recovery jog). 6. SV up to 17th. First and last intervals at 5K pace, shorter intervals appropriately faster. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 17th Street.
Regular group: Four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. 1. Down to 17th St. and back (recovery jog up to 26th St. and back). 2. Down to 17th St. (recovery jog to 14th St.). 3. Up to 20th St. (recovery jog up to 23rd St.). 4. Down to 17th St. and back. This week's workout starts at San Vicente and 23rd Street.
Regular group: 2 x 2.1 miles at tempo pace with 2:00 recovery. Each interval is one loop of the Brentwood Country Club. This week's workout starts at Gretna Green and Montana.
Regular group: Four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. 1. Down to 14th St. (slow recovery jog up to 17th St.). 2. Down to 7th St. (3:30 recovery). 3. Up to 17th St. (slow recovery jog down to 14th St.). 4. Up to 24th St.
Regular group: Four intervals at tempo pace. 1. Down to Montana and Franklin (1:00 recovery). 2. Up Franklin, right on Lipton, right on Berkeley, right on Stanford, right on Montana, back to Franklin (2:00 recovery). 3. Repeat second interval (1:00 recovery). 4. Return on Montana back to Gretna Green. This week's workout starts at Gretna Green and Montana.
Regular group: Four intervals at 3K-5K pace. 1. Down to Idaho and back (4:00 recovery). 2. Down to Montana and back (3:30 recovery). 3. Down to Alta and back (3:00 recovery). Down to Montana and back.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles (start at Ocean and San Vicente; head south, turn around at the Pier and return). First mile (just past Wilshire) at tempo pace, second mile at 10K pace, third mile at 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog. (Or, if it is raining, 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.)
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after first interval, slow 200m jog after all other intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00 recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, Slow 200m jog after 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 12-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog. ***Note that this is a long workout; be ready to start at the beginning of announcements.***
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. Slow 400m recovery after the 1200's and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2020m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: Case Relays. 10 x 400m for each individual, but on relay teams. If your mile lap pace is 90 or faster, have a team of three and run at mile pace. If your mile lap pace is around 1:45, have a team of three and run slightly faster than mile pace. If your mile lap pace is around 2:00, have a team of two and run them at mile pace. Keep moving at a slow jog while waiting for your leg.
Regular group: Probably 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace. (If enough timers show up, another option is 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.)
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. 1200's at 5K pace, 800's moderately faster.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
CIM group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
CIM group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
CIM group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3:00 recovery jogs.
CIM group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after subsequent intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles (start at Ocean and San Vicente; head south, turn around at the Pier and return). First mile (just past Wilshire) at tempo pace, second mile at 10K pace, third mile at 5K pace.
CIM group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. Slow 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; slow 200m recovery after all other intervals.
CIM group: 3-4 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m. First 800m at 5K pace, float the next 100m, last 300m at mile pace. 3:30-4:00 jog recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m and 800m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 12:00 with 2:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals. If you missed the mile trial last week or want to run it again to see if you can better your time, run the first interval all-out (and let the timers know beforehand), then recover until the 800m interval and run those last two intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 2 miles with 3:00 recovery.
17th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10-minute jog (yes, keep moving) after first interval, 2-minute recoveries after next two intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 800's at mile pace; 200's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 200's. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 2 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 2 x 200m at 800m pace). 800m pace is about 5-6 seconds per lap faster than your lap speed for mile pace. 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 400's, 2:30 jog recovery after 200's. As you go into the second set, the 800m interval is the key interval.
Regular group: 2 sets of (5 x 400m at mile pace). 2:00 jog recoveries within sets, 3:30 jog recovery between sets.
Regular group: 3 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 3 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 2:00 jog recovery after 400's, 4:00 jog recovery after 800's. The critical part of the workout is to run the second 800m interval as fast as the first.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 x 400m. First interval at 5K or tempo pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery jog after the first interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals. If your focus is on endurance, run the 1600m at 5K pace and run the 400's until you fall off pace. If your focus is on speed, run the 1600m at tempo pace and then run all 400m intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace (30 seconds per mile slower than 5K pace), second interval at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1:00-2:00 recovery after first interval (to accommodate setting up fewer groups), 3:00 recovery after second interval, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 7 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 5 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 3 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 90% max effort.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after first interval, slow 200m jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 3-4 miles at tempo pace (start at Ocean and San Vicente; head east on San Vicente; turn around at 19th for three miles, turn around at 26th for four miles).
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m. Odd intervals at mile pace. Even intervals at 5K pace. 200m recovery after odd intervals and 400m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. Slow 400m recovery after the 1200's and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m. First 900m at 5K pace, last 300m at mile pace with 4:00 recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second interval at 5K pace, third interval 3-4 seconds/lap faster, fourth interval at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 3:00-4:00 recovery jog. 1200's at 5K pace, 800's moderately faster.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after first interval, slow 200m jog after all other intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog. ***Note that this is a long workout; be ready to start at the beginning of announcements.***
Regular group: 6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog in approximately equal time (Yasso 800's).
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog in approximately equal time (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, Slow 200m jog after 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. Slow 400m recovery after the 1200's and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second interval at 5K pace, third interval 3-4 seconds/lap faster, fourth interval at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 2019m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: Two-person relays of 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
CIM group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles (start at Ocean and San Vicente; head south, turn around at the Pier and return). First mile (just past Wilshire) at tempo pace, second mile at 10K pace, third mile at 5K pace.
Fall Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2:00 recovery jog after the first two intervals, 3:00 recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after first interval, slow 200m jog after all other intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, Slow 200m jog after 400's.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 12:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.

Fall marathon group: 3 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 1:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo pace with 2:00 jog recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals. If you missed the mile trial last week or want to run it again to see if you can better your time, run the first interval all-out (and let the timers know beforehand), then recover until the 800m interval and run those last two intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 2 miles with 4:00 recovery.
16th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10-minute jog (yes, keep moving) after first interval, 2-minute recoveries after next two intervals.
Regular group: 10 x 400m at mile race pace with 1:30-2:00 jog recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 800's at mile pace; 200's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 200's. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 2 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 2 x 200m at 800m pace). 800m pace is about 5-6 seconds per lap faster than your lap speed for mile pace. 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 400's, 2:30 jog recovery after 200's. As you go into the second set, the 800m interval is the key interval.
Regular group: 3 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 3 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 2:00 jog recovery after 400's, 4:00 jog recovery after 800's. The key here is to run the second 800m interval as fast as the first.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 400m at mile pace, 1 x 800m at mile pace). 3:00 jog recovery after 400's, 4:00-5:00 jog recovery after 800's. Keep your pace in mind during the first interval so that you can dial it in as soon as possible.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 x 400m. First interval at 5K or tempo pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery jog after the first interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals. If your focus is on endurance, run the 1600m at 5K pace and run the 400's until you fall off pace. If your focus is on speed, run the 1600m at tempo pace and then run all 400m intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 12 x 400m at 3K pace with about 30 seconds less than equal time recovery. Pace should be about halfway between your 5K pace and your mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 7 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 5 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 3 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 90% max effort.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
If you are racing the Will Rogers 10K: First and last intervals at 10K pace, middle intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
If you are racing the Will Rogers 5K: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 10K pace.
If you are not racing at Will Rogers: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with equal-time-less-one-minute recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 3-4 miles at tempo pace (start at Ocean and San Vicente; head east on San Vicente; turn around at 19th for three miles, turn around at 26th for four miles).
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium. The pace difference should only be about two seconds per 400m, with the medium laps at 5K pace.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, slow 200m jog after 400's.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. Slow 400m recovery after the 1200's and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second interval at 5K pace, third interval 3-4 seconds/lap faster, fourth interval at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with equal-time-less-one-minute recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed). Note that you ran this workout five weeks ago. Compare your times and effort.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog in approximately equal time (Yasso 800's).
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog in approximately equal time (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with slow 400m recovery jog. First four intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, Slow 200m jog after 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second interval at 5K pace, third interval 3-4 seconds/lap faster, fourth interval at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2018m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 2018m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.

Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 4:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 4:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with equal-time-less-one-minute recovery.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 2:00 recovery jog after the first interval, 3:30-4:00 recovery jog after the second interval. First interval at tempo pace, last two intervals at 5K pace. Then, optional 2 x 400m at mile pace for those who want it.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2:00 recovery jog after the first two intervals, 3:00 recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m every 8:00 if you run 6:30/mi or quicker. If slower than 6:30/mi take 2:00 rest.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 10 x 800m every 5:00.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals. If you missed the mile trial last week or want to run it again to see if you can better your time, run the first interval all-out (and let the timers know beforehand), then recover until the 800m interval and run those last two intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 2 miles with 5:00 recovery.
15th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10-minute jog (yes, keep moving) after first interval, 2-minute recoveries after next two intervals.
Regular group: 10 x 400m at mile race pace with 2:00 jog recoveries.
Regular group: 2 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 2 x 200m at 800m pace). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:30 jog recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 800's at mile pace; 200's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 200's. The key intervals are the 800's.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 3:30 jog recovery after 800's, 1:30 jog recovery after 400's.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 3:00 jog recovery after 400's. Keep your pace in mind during the first interval so that you can dial it in as soon as possible.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 x 400m. First interval at 5K or tempo pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m recovery jog after the first interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals. If your focus is on endurance, run the 1600m at 5K pace and run the 400's until you fall off pace. If your focus is on speed, run the 1600m at tempo pace and then run all 400m intervals at mile pace. The coach will be back; will you?
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace (30 seconds per mile slower than 5K pace), second interval at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1:00-2:00 recovery after first interval (to accommodate setting up fewer groups), 3:00 recovery after second interval, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 7 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 5 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 3 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 90%-95% max effort. Race fans, you can think of this as the Firecracker 400 workout.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. If you are racing the Will Rogers 10K: First and last intervals at 10K pace, middle intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. If you are racing the Will Rogers 5K: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 10K pace. If you are not racing this weekend: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 3-4 miles at tempo pace (head east on San Vicente; turn around at 19th for three miles, turn around at 26th for four miles)
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium. The pace difference should only be about two seconds per 400m, with the medium laps at 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. First three intervals at 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace. Recovery is approximately 3:00 after the first four intervals and 2:00 after the fifth interval.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, Slow 200m jog after 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m. First interval at 10K pace, second and third intervals at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after second and third intervals, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals. 10K pace is approximately 15-20 seconds per mile slower than your 5K pace.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2:00 recovery jog after the first two intervals, 3:00 recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's at 3K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with slow 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog
Regular group: 6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog in approximately equal time (Yasso 800's).
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog in approximately equal time (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. Slow 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 3 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace. 400m recovery after the first three intervals, 200m recovery after the next two intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second and third intervals at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after second and third intervals, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 2017m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 2017m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: Case Relays. Teams of three. Repeating 400's.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: Meet at Franklin and Montana (SE side of the Brentwood Country Club perimeter). 5-6 x 550m hill repeats up Franklin at 3K-5K pace. Jog return down Franklin for recovery. For your warm-up, consider one loop of the Country Club (it is 2.1 miles).
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if your 5K pace is 6:00/mile, assuming you run the slow 400 first, alternate between 110 seconds/lap and 90 seconds/lap).
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 400m, 1 x 1200m). 400's at mile pace, 1200's at 5K pace. Slow 200m jog after 400's, slow 400m jog after 1200's.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m slow recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. You should be about eight seconds/lap faster on the last two intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals. If you missed the mile time trial last week (or just want to try to better your time), you can always run the first interval all out and then rest as much as you like.
14th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10-minute jog recovery after first interval, 2-minute recoveries after next two intervals.
Regular group: 10 x 400m at mile race pace with 2:00 jog recoveries.
Regular group: 2 sets of (1 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 2 x 200m at 800m pace). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 3:00 jog recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 800's at mile pace; 200's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 200's.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m. Slow 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; slow 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m at mile pace with 4:00 jog recovery followed by 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. Be well warmed up for this and know ahead of time the splits you want to hit.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 x 400m. 1600m interval at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace. Slow 600m recovery jog after the first interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. Easy 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 2:00 recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace (30 seconds per mile slower than 5K pace), second interval at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1:00-2:00 recovery after first interval (to accommodate setting up fewer groups), 3:00 recovery after second interval, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. If you are racing the Will Rogers 10K: First and last intervals at 10K pace, middle intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. If you are racing the Will Rogers 5K: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 10K pace. If you are not racing this weekend: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace. If the heat starts to get to you, and you feel light-headed, end early.
Meet at Franklin and Montana (SE side of the Brentwood Country Club perimeter). 5-6 x 550m hill repeats up Franklin at 3K-5K pace. Jog return down Franklin for recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 4:00 jog after first interval, 2:00 jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.

N.B.: post-workout dinner at Fritto Misto, 601 Colorado (NE corner of 6th and Colorado).
Regular group: 4 sets of (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with 400m recovery jog. First three intervals at 1 second/lap faster than 5K pace, fourth interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m, 1 x 400m). 1200's at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after 1200's, 200m jog after 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 3 sets of (1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 3:00 recovery, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 2:00 recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace. For something easier, run all intervals at 5K pace. Recoveries will be approximately 3-4 minutes of jogging.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 2:00 recovery after each interval. 400's at mile pace. 1600 at tempo pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 3 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace. 400m recovery after the first three intervals, 200m recovery after the next two intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog, 15-minute normal run, 2 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2016m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: Devil Take The Hindmost. All start at once. Each 400m, the last to cross the line is out. Plan your strategy and good luck. Los Angeles Marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog (stay out of lanes 1-4).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 1:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m. First interval at mile pace, add 2-3 seconds/lap each time the interval lengthens. 2:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute recovery.
Regular group: 3 x (1 x 400m, 1 x 1200m). 400's at mile pace, 1200's at 5K pace. 200m jog after 400's, 400m jog after 1200's.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
New York Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 3 x 12 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4-5 x 6 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 1:30 recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, and 1-minute recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, middle two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at tempo pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace. For something easier, run all intervals at 5K pace. Recoveries will be approximately 3-4 minutes of jogging.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.

Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 9 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Chicago Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 13th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m. Plan your warm-up time accordingly (I suggest a 15- or 20-minute warm-up to finish about 20 minutes before your race, and run the last five minutes of your warm-up at tempo pace. Then remember to run some strides a few minutes before your race. Have fun, be tough, and good luck.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10-minute jog recovery after first interval, 2-minute recoveries after next two intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 800's at mile pace; 200's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 200's.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m. Slow 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m at mile pace with 4:00 jog recovery followed by 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. Slow 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. Slow 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. First interval at tempo pace, second and third intervals at 5K pace, remaining intervals at mile pace. 1:00 recovery after first interval, 3:00 recovery after second and third intervals, 2:00 recovery after remaining intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. If you are racing the Will Rogers 10K: First and last intervals at 10K pace, middle intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. If you are racing the Will Rogers 5K: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 10K pace. If you are not racing this weekend: First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Meet at Montana and Franklin. 5-6 x 600m hill repeats up Franklin at 3K-5K pace. Jog return down Franklin for recovery. This will be just the thing to get you ready for the hills on the Will Rogers course.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with 400m recovery jog. First four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Ojai Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium. The pace difference should only be about two seconds per 400m, with the medium laps at 5K pace.
Spring marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Spring marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Spring marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Spring marathon group: 3- to 5-mile warm-up before announcements (as much as you have time to run); 5 x 1600m at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 1:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Other spring marathon group: 2-3 mile warm-up. 1 x 12 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace, 1 x 15 minutes at normal running pace, 1 x 12 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace.
Regular group and other Spring Marathon group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Spring marathoners add two more 1200m tempo intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10:00 at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2:00 recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jogs. First and last intervals at 5K pace. Drop 3-4 seconds per lap on middle two intervals.
Spring Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Spring Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Spring Marathon group: 40-minute warm-up (or as close to that as you have time for); 6 x 6 minutes at at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 1-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace. If you want something easier, run all intervals at 5K pace. Recoveries will be approximately 3-4 minutes of jogging.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3- to 4-mile warm-up before announcements. 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Meet at Ocean and San Vicente.
Regular group: 4 x 1 mile at 10K pace (from Georgina to Idaho and back). 2:00 jog recoveries.
LA Marathon group: 2-3 mile warm-up (before announcements). 2 x 2 miles at tempo pace (from bottom of Ocean Ave. hill to California, back to Georgina). Recovery is the same interval in reverse direction at normal running pace.
Meet at Montana and Franklin.
Regular group: 5-6 x 600m hill repeats up Franklin at 3K-5K pace. Jog return on Franklin for recovery.
LA Marathon group: 5-6 x 1 mile (up Franklin, right on Lipton, right on Berkeley, right on Stanford, return to start) with 1:00 jog recoveries.
Meet at Ocean and San Vicente.
Regular group: 3 repeats to Idaho and back at 3K-5K pace. 3:30-4:00 jog recoveries.
LA Marathon group: 4 tempo repeats to California and back. 2:00 jog recoveries.
Meet at Ocean and San Vicente.
Regular group: 3 tempo repeats to Washington and back. 2:00-3:00 jog recoveries.
LA Marathon group: 4 tempo repeats to Washington and back. 2:00-3:00 jog recoveries.
6-8 hill repeats on 16th Street from Marine to Ashland. Uphill efforts at near mile pace, going off every 3:00-3:30.
Regular group: Case Relays. Teams of three. Repeating 400's. If your mile lap pace is 90 or faster, run them at mile pace. If your mile lap pace is around 1:40-1:45, run slightly faster than mile pace. If your mile lap pace is around 2:00, have a team of two only and run them at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace. If you want something easier, run all intervals at 5K pace. Recoveries will be approximately 3-4 minutes of jogging.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
CIM Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with slow 400m recovery jog.
CIM Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
CIM Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute recovery.
CIM Marathon group: t.b.d.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 12 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Santa Clarita and New York Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, and 1-minute recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, middle two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at tempo pace.
Chicago marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog in approximately equal time (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. If you do well in heat, first and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace. If not, try all intervals at 5K pace. Recoveries will be approximately 3-4 minutes of jogging.

Fall marathon group: 4 x 9 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m. 400's at mile pace with 2:00 recovery. 800's between mile and 5K pace with 3:00 recovery. 1600m at 5K pace with 4:00 recovery.

Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 7-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.

Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog (or something harder, to be discussed at the workout, if you have already been doing your tempo runs).
12th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.

Suggested warm-up: 40-45 minutes before your heat, jog seven minutes easy, seven minutes at normal pace, seven minutes at tempo pace. 20 minutes before your heat, active stretching and rest. 6-8 minutes before your heat, 4 x 80m strides at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10-minute jog recovery after first interval, 2-minute recoveries after next two intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m with 4-minute jog recovery, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. The first 800m at about a second a lap slower than mile pace. The second 800m at mile pace. The third 800m at about a second a lap faster than mile pace. This will not be easy.
Regular group: 2 sets of 6 x 400m at mile pace. 2:00 recovery jog within sets, 3:30 recovery jog between sets. If you start falling off your pace in the second set, stop the intervals and start your cool-down.
Regular group: 3 x 800m, 4 x 200m. 800's at mile pace; 200's faster (if you feel good) or at mile pace (if you are tired or want to work on your pacing). 4:00 jog recovery after 800's, 2:00 jog recovery after 200's.
Regular group: 3 sets of 4 x 400m at mile pace. All intervals at current mile pace. 200m slow recovery jog within sets, 400m slow recovery jog between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, (4 x 400m). All intervals at current mile pace. 400m slow recovery jog after the first and sixth intervals; 200m slow recovery jog after all other intervals. If you do not hit your mile pace on the second 800m, do not run the last set of 400's. If you get to the last set of 400's, only run them so long as you are hitting your mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 3-minute jog recovery. 2 sets of 4 x 400m at current mile pace with 2-minute jog recoveries within sets and 3-minute jog recovery between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m.
400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Note that SMC graduation occurs on the track, so . . . meet at Ocean and San Vicente. Beginning group: 6-8 x 400m at slightly faster than 5K pace. Regular group: 1 x 3-4 miles at tempo pace (head east on San Vicente; turn around at 19th for three miles, turn around at 26th for a bit more than four miles).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 400m recovery, then 2 sets of 4 x 400m at current mile pace with 2-minute recoveries within sets and 3-minute recovery between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Boston Marathon group: 40-minute warm-up; 6 x 6 minutes at at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 1-minute recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 5 x 400m with 90-second rest within set. 3:00 rest. 5 x 200m with 30-second rest within set.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Boston Marathon group: 1 x 6400m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, fourth 1600m at 10K pace.
Middle distance group: 2 x 200m, 1 x 300m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 500m, 1 x 600m, 1 x 100m. 1:00 rest after first 2 intervals, 2:00 rest after next 2 intervals, 3:00 rest after 5th interval. 0:30 rest after 6th interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Boston Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 1 x 600m, 1 x 500m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 300m, 1 x 200m, 1 x 100m. 3:00 rest after first 2 intervals, 2:00 rest after next 2 intervals, 1:00 rest after 5th interval.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jogs.
Middle distance group: 3 sets of 3 x 300m, rest increasing from 1:00 to 3:00 between intervals each set, pace quicker each set, 3:00 rest between sets.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium. The pace difference should only be about two seconds per 400m, with the medium laps at 5K pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 3 x 400m at mile pace. 400m recovery after the first three intervals, 200m recovery after the next two intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 200m, 2 x 150m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 4 x 800m. .
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with approximately equal time recovery.
Middle distance group: 5 x 500m, 5 x 150m.
Regular group: 3 x 2014m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps) Start with the slower lap.
Regular group: Case Relays. Teams of three. Repeating 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 600m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 300m, 1 x 200m, 1 x 100m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 4 x 600m, 4 x 200m.
Regular group: 2 x 1200m at tempo pace with 1-minute jog recoveries; 2 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recoveries; 2 x 400m at mile pace with 2-minute recovery.
Middle distance group: 3 sets of 3 x 300m. Pace starts around 54 seconds and drops three seconds per subsequent sets. Three minutes rest between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Middle distance group: 1 x 1000m (4 min. recovery), 2 x 200m (90 sec. recovery), 2 x 400m (2 min. recovery), 2 x 200m (1 min. recovery).
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 2 x 800m with 4 minutes recovery, 2 x 400m with 2 minutes recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 1 x 600m, 1 x 500m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 300m, 1 x 200m, 1 x 100m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Santa Clarita and Malibu Marathon groups: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with approximately equal time recovery jogs.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at slightly faster than 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 90-second recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m, 2 x 1600m with 90-second recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, and 90-second recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, middle two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at tempo pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. First and last intervals at 5K pace. Drop 3-4 seconds per lap on middle two intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute solid recovery.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 9 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and fifth intervals, 200m jog after third and fourth intervals. 1200's at 3K-5K pace, then run approximately three seconds/lap faster on the 800's, and another three seconds/lap faster on the 400's.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jogs, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 11th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times were: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:30 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 800m pace. 10-minute jog recovery after first interval, 2-minute recoveries after next two intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m with 4-minute jog recovery, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights at mile pace and jogging the curves. All 800m intervals at goal mile pace. If you cannot hit those times, you need to set a new goal.
Regular group: 3 sets of 4 x 400m at mile pace. All intervals at current mile pace. 200m slow recovery jog within sets, 400m slow recovery jog between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. All intervals at current mile pace. 400m slow recovery jog after the first and sixth intervals; 200m slow recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m at tempo pace, 3-minute jog recovery. 2 sets of 4 x 400m at current mile pace with 2-minute jog recoveries within sets and 3-minute jog recovery between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval to about 95% effort.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 3-4 miles at tempo pace on San Vicente.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium. The pace difference should only be about two seconds per 400m, with the medium laps at 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Regular group: 3 x (1 x 1200m at 5K pace, 400m jog recovery, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 200m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. First and last intervals at 5K pace. Drop 3-4 seconds per lap on middle two intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 2-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds/mile slower than 10K pace; second 1600m at 10K pace; third 1600m at 10 seconds/mile faster than 10K pace.
Boston Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 1200m intervals at 5K pace, 400m intervals at mile pace, 800m intervals in between those two paces. 400m recovery after the 1200 and 800's, 200m recovery after the 400's.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 30-minute warm-up; 2 x 15 minutes at at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 20-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 40-minute warm-up; 6 x 6 minutes at at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 1-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at current 5K pace, drop 3 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 8-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with approximately equal time recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute solid recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 2013m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 12 x 400m. First four intervals at mile pace with 90-second recoveries. Middle four intervals at 5K pace with 45-second recoveries. Last four intervals at mile pace with 90-second recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 5-6 x 1000m at 10K pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with approximately equal time recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. First and last intervals at 5K pace. Drop 3-4 seconds per lap on middle two intervals.
Chicago Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at slightly faster than 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. On each interval, run the first 400m at 4 seconds/lap slower than 5K pace, the second 400m at 5K pace, and the third 400m at 4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 10th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:29 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Fall marathon group: 6-10 x 800m with two-minute recoveries (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 2 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 95% effort. 10-minute jog recovery after first interval, 4-minute walk recovery after second interval.
Regular group: 3 x 800m with 4-minute jog recovery, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. The first 800m at about a second a lap slower than mile pace. The second 800m at mile pace. The third 800m at about a second a lap faster than mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m slow recovery jog after the first and sixth intervals; 200m slow recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3 sets of 4 x 400m at mile pace. 200m slow recovery jog within sets, 400m slow recovery jog between sets.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Middle distance group: 2 x 800m (3:00 recovery), 5 x 300m (1:30 recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Middle distance group: 1 x 1200m (3:00 rest), 1 x 800m (3:00 rest),1 x 600m (2:00 rest), 1 x 400m (1:00 rest), 1 x 200m (:30 rest), 1 x 200m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval.
Middle distance group: 2 sets of (1 x 600m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 300m, 1 x ,200m,1 x 100m), 100m recovery jog within set, 3-minute recovery between sets.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute jog recovery.
Middle distance group: 2 sets of 6 x 200m, 1-minute recovery within set, 3-minute recovery between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: Tempo run leaving from Ocean Ave. and San Vicente Blvd.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Middle distance group: 2 sets of 10 x 100m. 20 seconds recovery within set, 4 minutes between sets.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Middle distance group: 2 x 100m (30 sec.), 2 x 200m (1 min.), 2 x 300m hard (3 min.), 2 x 400m (2 min.), 2 x 100m (15 sec.). Parentheses indicate recovery intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 4 x 400m (1 min. within set, 3 min. after set), 4 x 200m (30 sec.). Parentheses indicate recovery intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 4 x 400m (1 min. within set, 3 min. after set), 4 x 200m (30 sec.). Parentheses indicate recovery intervals. Parentheses indicate recovery intervals.
Regular group: 3 x (1 x 1200m at 5K pace, 400m jog recovery, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 200m jog recovery).
Middle distance group: 1 x 600m (3 min.), 1 x 400m (2 min.), 1 x 600m (3 min.), 1 x 400m (2min.), 2 x 150m (2 min.). Parentheses indicate recovery intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Middle distance group: 2 x 800m (3 min. within set, 4 min. after set), 2 x 800m hard (5 min.). Parentheses indicate rest intervals.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Middle distance group: 1 x 1000m hard (6 min.), 2 x 200m (2 min.), 1 x 400m (1 min.), 2 x 200m (30 sec.). Parentheses indicate rest intervals.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Middle distance group: 4 x 500m (4 min.), 4x200 (45 sec.). Parentheses indicate rest intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Middle distance group: 1 x 600m (3 min.),1 x 500m hard (4 min.), 1 x 400m (2 min.), 1 x 300m hard (3 min.), 1 x 200m (1 min.),1 x 100m. Parentheses indicate rest intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 2-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with ten-minute recovery at normal pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. First interval at slightly faster than 5K pace, drop 2 seconds/lap each time the interval shortens.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with approximately equal time recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 2012m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
CIM Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
CIM Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with equal time recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 8 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace and recovery to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Fall marathon group: same as regular group.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. First and last intervals at 5K pace. Drop 3-4 seconds per lap on middle two intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 10K pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 2 miles at 30-45 seconds/mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and fifth intervals, 200m jog after third and fourth intervals. 1200's at 3K-5K pace, then run approximately three seconds/lap faster on the 800's, and another three seconds/lap faster on the 400's.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 9th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:29 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 2 x 200m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals at 95%. 10-minute recovery after first interval, 4-minute recovery after second interval.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: 3 x 800m at mile pace with 4-minute jog recovery, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. All intervals at current mile pace. 200m recovery after all intervals except 400m recovery after fifth interval.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: 2 sets of (5 x 400m), all at current mile pace. 200m recovery within sets; 400m recovery between sets.
Middle distance group: Same as regular group.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Middle distance group: 4 x 500m; 4 x 200m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. All intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval.
Middle distance group: 1 x 600m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 600m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 300m, 2 x 150m.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute jog recovery.
Middle distance group: 2 sets of (2 x 200m, 2 x 400m).
Regular group: 6 x 90 seconds at slightly slower than mile pace with 90-second jog recoveries on Ocean Avenue.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Middle distance group: 2 sets of (1 x 600m, 1 x 400m, 1 x 300m, 1 x 200m, 1 x 100m).
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m, 100m jog recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Middle distance group: 3 sets of 3 x 300m.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m at tempo with 90-second recoveries, 1-2 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Middle distance group: 4 x 200m, 1 x 300m, 1 x 400m ,1 x 500m ,1 x 600m.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium. The pace difference should only be about two seconds per 400m, with the medium laps at 5K pace.
Middle distance group: Cut down workout with one interval each at 1200m, 800m, 600m, 400m, 300m, 200m, and 100m.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Middle distance group: 4 x 800m, 2 x 200m.
Regular group: 3 x (1 x 1200m at 5K pace, 400m jog recovery, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 200m jog recovery).
Middle distance group: 4 x 400m, 2 x 300m, 2 x 200m.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Boston and London Marathon groups: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston and London Marathon groups: 2 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog, followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights, floating the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston and London Marathon groups: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace on Ocean Avenue.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at 2-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with three-minute recovery jog followed by 1 x 1600m striding the straights and jogging the curves (untimed).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m with 400m recovery jog. First interval at 5K pace, middle intervals at 1-2 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace, last interval at 3-4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with equal time recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with equal time recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace and recovery to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 10 minutes, 1 x 1600m. First interval at 5K pace with four-minute recovery jog, next two intervals at 30 seconds per mile slower than 5K pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute solid recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 2011m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
New York Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. First and last intervals at 5K pace. Drop 3-4 seconds per lap on middle two intervals with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 7-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 10K pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 8 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 7-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and fifth intervals, 200m jog after third and fourth intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 mile, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 8th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:29 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 4 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals slightly faster. 10-minute recovery after first interval, 2-minute recovery after 400m intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m at mile pace with 4-minute jog recovery, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 200m recovery after all intervals except 400m recovery after fifth interval.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with equal time recovery. On each interval, run the first 400m at slightly slower than 5K pace, the second 400m at 5K pace, the third 400m at slightly faster than 5K pace, and the last 400m at mile pace.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 200m recovery after all intervals except 400m recovery after fifth interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals. 1200's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and fifth intervals, 200m jog after third and fourth intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace on Ocean Avenue.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x (1 x 1200m at 5K pace, 400m jog recovery, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 200m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace on Ocean Ave.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. First and last intervals at 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery jog after first interval, 200m recovery jog after next four intervals.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6-8 x 800m (run only six if you are racing this weekend) with 400m recovery jog at 5K pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace and recovery to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds per mile slower than 10K pace (approximately tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace (slightly slower than 5K pace).
Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 30-40 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace, second 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the first 1600m, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the second 1600m.
Regular group: Devil take the hindmost (run continuous laps, and the last person across the line each lap is pulled; strategy counts).
Regular group: 3 x 2010m at tempo pace with 75-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at 5K pace, 800's at 3K pace, 400's at mile pace. 3-minute recovery jogs after the first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after the next three intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Tucson Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
CIM Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
December marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
December marathon group: 1 x 10 minutes, 1 x 20 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
December marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6-8 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace and recovery to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
December marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace and recovery to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (approximately tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace (slightly slower than 5K pace).
December marathon group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace, second 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the first 1600m, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the second 1600m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. First and last intervals at 5K pace. Drop 3-4 seconds per lap on middle two intervals with 400m recovery jog.
December marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Chicago and Long Beach Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
St. George Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. On each interval, run the first 400m at 4 seconds/lap slower than 5K pace, the second 400m at 5K pace, and the third 400m at 4 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 7th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times are: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:29 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 4 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals slightly faster. 10-minute recovery after first interval, 2-minute recovery after 400m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 5 x 6 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 75-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 800m at mile pace with 4-minute jog recovery, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. First and last intervals at mile pace, middle intervals faster. 4-minute recovery after first interval, 3-minute recovery after 400m intervals, 2-minute recovery after 200m intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 200m recovery after all intervals except 400m recovery after fifth interval.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m float recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at 5K pace, 800's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 10K pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 2 x 1600m at tempo with 60-second recovery, 1-2 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x (1 x 1200m at 5K pace, 400m jog recovery, 1 x 400m at mile pace, 200m jog recovery).
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6-8 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (approximately tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace (slightly slower than 5K pace).
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery at normal running pace, 1 x untimed 1600m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery at normal running pace, 1 x untimed 1600m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 8 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 4-minute recovery at normal running pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 3 x 1600m at 30-45 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 3 x 2009m at tempo pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: Devil take the hindmost.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. First 1600m at 10K pace, second 1600m at 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. All with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace, second 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the first 1600m, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the second 1600m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at 5K pace (or 10K pace if your legs are tired), 800's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Long Beach Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
St. George Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Long Beach Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
St. George Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1-2 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval and 2-minute recovery jog after second interval.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. On each interval, run the first 400m at 5 seconds/lap slower than 5K pace, the second 400m at 5K pace, and the third 400m at 5 seconds/lap faster than 5K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat schedule is: Sub-5:00 at 6:40 p.m. 5:00-5:29 at 6:50 p.m. 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m. 6:00-6:30 at 7:10 p.m. Over 6:30 at 7:20 p.m.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 4 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals slightly faster. 10-minute recovery after first interval, 2-minute recovery after 400m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 5 x 6 minutes at 30 seconds faster than current marathon pace with 75-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. First and last intervals at mile pace, middle intervals faster. 4-minute recovery after first interval, 3-minute recovery after 400m intervals, 2-minute recovery after 200m intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m at mile pace, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. Four-minute recovery jog after 800m intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. All intervals at mile pace. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with equal time recovery. On each interval, run the first 400m at slightly slower than 5K pace, the second 400m at 5K pace, the third 400m at slightly faster than 5K pace, and the last 400m at mile pace.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at 5K pace, 800's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute solid recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 24 x 400m relay (teams of two, 12 each).
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and fifth intervals, 200m jog after third and fourth intervals.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m, 100m jog recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery). If you raced Sunday, run the 800's at tempo pace.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m at tempo with 60-second recovery, 1-2 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 60-second recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 3 miles at tempo pace on Ocean Ave.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, 1 x untimed 1200m striding the straights, floating the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1-2 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval and 2-minute recovery jog after second interval.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m with 400m recovery jog, except 200m recovery jog before last interval. First four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Boston Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, 1 x untimed 1200m striding the straights, floating the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, 1 x untimed 1600m striding the straights, jogging the curves. And don't forget to take this survey now.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute solid recovery run.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 3-minute solid recovery run, 1 x untimed 1200m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 3 x 2008m at tempo pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute. All intervals at medium-hard effort with equal time recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. First 1600m at 10K pace, second 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. All with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at 10K pace, 800's at slightly faster than 5K pace, 400's at mile pace. All with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 30-40 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace, second 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the first 1600m, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the second 1600m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 1600m at 30-40 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
St. George Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 5th Annual Cahn Mile. Heat times were: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m., 6:00-6:29 at 6:50 p.m, 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m, 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m., Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1200m, 4 x 400m. First interval at mile pace, remaining intervals slightly faster. 10-minute recovery after first interval, 2-minute recovery after 400m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. First and last intervals at mile pace, middle intervals faster. 4-minute recovery after first interval, 3-minute recovery after 400m intervals, 2-minute recovery after 200m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 5-6 x 6 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 800m (pace discussed at workout), 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. Four-minute recovery jog after 800m intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 8 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Tempo run 1 x 4800m along Ocean Avenue (track closed for film shoot).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. Run the intervals at 5K pace, but push the last 400m of each interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 800m at 5K pace, 1 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 2 x 1600m at tempo with 60-second recovery, 1-2 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 7 x 400m at 3K pace, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m with 400m recovery jog, except 200m recovery jog before last interval. First four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, 1 x untimed 1600m striding the straights, floating the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at 10K pace with 2-minute recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2007m at tempo pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (i.e., tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m, 2 x 200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, 200m recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, next two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Tucson Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 6 x 400m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 8-10 x 800m at with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's). Bring water or a sports drink and use it on your recovery intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
New York Marathon Group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (i.e., tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 30 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the first 1600m, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the second 1600m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Chicago Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Long Beach Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
St. George Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 24 x 400m relay (teams of two, 12 each).
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular Group: 4th Annual Cahn Mile. Heats were: Sub-5:00 at 6:40 p.m. 5:00-5:29 at 6:50 p.m. 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m. 6:00-6:29 at 7:10 p.m. Over 6:30 at 7:20 p.m.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 3 x 800m descending around mile pace with 4-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. First and last intervals at mile pace, middle intervals faster. 4-minute recovery after first interval, 3-minute recovery after 400m intervals, 2-minute recovery after 200m intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 800m (pace discussed at workout), 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. Four-minute recovery jog after 800m intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. Push the last 400m of each interval.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with 400m recovery jog. First four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 12 minutes at tempo pace with a 3-minute recovery jog; 3 x 800m at 5K pace with a 400m recovery jog. Note: This workout is to help prepare for racing this weekend. If you are racing, try not to run the intervals any faster than prescribed. If you are not racing this weekend, increase the pace on the 800m intervals.
Regular group: 7 x 400m at 3K pace, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 90-second recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m, 2 x 200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, 200m recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, next two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, 1 x untimed 1600m striding the straights, floating the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, 1 x untimed 1200m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 4-minute solid recovery run.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 4-minute solid recovery run, 1 x untimed 1200m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 90-second recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 3 x 2006m at tempo pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m, 2 x 200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, 200m recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, next two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with 400m recovery jog. First four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 7 x 400m at 3K pace, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 30 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the first 1600m, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than the second 1600m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 4-minute solid recovery run.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 2000m at 10K pace with 4-minute solid recovery run.
Long Beach Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Chicago Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
St. George Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m generally with 400m recovery jog. First four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3rd Annual Cahn Mile. Heats were: Over 6:30 at 6:40 p.m. 6:00-6:29 at 6:50 p.m. 5:30-5:59 at 7:00 p.m. 5:00-5:29 at 7:10 p.m. Sub-5:00 at 7:20 p.m.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 3 x 800m descending around mile pace with 4-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. First and last intervals at mile pace, middle intervals faster. 4-minute recovery after first interval, 3-minute recovery after 400m intervals, 2-minute recovery after 200m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 5-6 x 6 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular Group: 3 x 800m (pace discussed at workout), 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. Four-minute recovery jog after 800m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular Group: 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m. 400m intervals at mile pace, 1600m interval at 5K pace. 600m recovery jog after fifth interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
July 4 racers who insist on doing a workout: 2 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at tempo pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10-15 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (a.k.a. tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m all with 400m recovery jog. First four intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last interval at mile pace.
Regular group: 24 x 400m relay (teams of two, 12 each).
Regular group: 2 x 1600m at tempo with 60-second recovery, 1-2 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 7 x 400m, 1 x 2000m at 5K pace. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo pace with 60- to 90-second recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m, 2 x 200m with 90-second recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, 200m recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, next two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds slower than 5K pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m, with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1-2 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval, 2-minute recovery jog after second interval.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, followed by 1 x untimed 1200m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular group: 3 x 2005m at tempo pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Pace to be discussed at workout.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m, 2 x 200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after next two intervals, 200m recovery jog after fifth interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, next two intervals at 5K pace, last two intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jogs.
Regular group: 7 x 400m at 3K pace, 1 x 2000m at slightly faster than 5K pace. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval. Pace to be discussed.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m (e.g., if you run a 5K at 6:00 pace, you should alternate between 90-second and 110-second laps).
New York Marathon Group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 8-10 x 800m at with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace (a.k.a tempo pace), second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 2000m at 10K pace with 4-minute solid recovery run.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 2000m at 10K pace with 4-minute solid recovery run.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Chicago and Long Beach Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
St. George Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
St. George Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog; 1 x 1600m hard on the straights, floating on the curves.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 2 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval and 2-minute recovery jog after second interval.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Fall marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: Mile time trial. Heats were: sub-5:15 at 6:40 p.m. 5:15-5:45 at 6:50 p.m. 5:46-6:15 at 7:00 p.m. 6:16-6:45 at 7:10 p.m. 6:46-7:15 at 7:20 p.m. Over 7:15 at 7:30 p.m.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m at mile pace. 4-minute recovery after first interval, 3-minute recovery after 400m intervals, 2-minute recovery after 200m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 10 x 400m at mile pace. 200m recovery after all intervals except 400m recovery after fifth interval.
Fall marathon group: 6 x 6 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 60-second jog recover.
Regular group: 3 x 800m around mile pace, 1 x 1600m (untimed) striding the straights and jogging the curves. 4-minute recovery jog after 800m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Fall marathon group: 4-5 x 6 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular Group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo pace with 90-second recovery jog.
Regular Group: 3 x 1600m at 5K pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m, with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. All intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m all with 400m recovery jog. First two intervals at 5K pace, next two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, last interval at mile pace.
Regular group: 1 x 12 minutes at tempo pace with a 3-minute recovery jog; 3 x 800m at 5K pace with a 400m recovery jog. Note: This workout is to help prepare for racing this weekend. If you are racing, it is important that you not run the intervals any faster than prescribed. If you are not racing this weekend, increase the pace on the 800m intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per lap.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 1200m, 3 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and fifth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Regular Group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular Group: 1 x 4800m. First 1600m at 10 seconds slower per mile than 10K pace, second 1600m at 10K pace, third 1600m at 10 seconds per mile faster than 10K pace.
Regular Group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m with 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval. First two intervals at tempo pace, last two intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular Group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular Group: 4 x 1600m at tempo with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m, with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 7 x 400m, 1 x 2000m. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1-2 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval, 2-minute recovery jog after second interval.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, followed by 1 x untimed 800m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog, followed by 1 x untimed 1200m striding the straights, jogging the curves.
Regular group: 3 x 2004m at tempo pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with intervals of 3, 4, 5, and 6 minutes at tempo pace alternating with 3-minute intervals at normal distance pace.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: Mile time trial.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3-4 x (1 x 400m at mile pace, 200m recovery jog, 1 x 200m at faster than mile pace, 400m recovery jog).
Fall marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 800m around mile pace, 4 x 200m around 800m pace. 4-minute recovery jog after 800m intervals; 2-minute recovery jog after 200m intervals.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 2 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog after first interval and 2-minute recovery jog after second interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400m's at 3-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Fall marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per 400m.
Fall marathon group: 5 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 60-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Fall marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 4-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Chicago and Long Beach Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Other Fall Marathoners: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 24 x 400m relay (teams of two, 12 each).
St. George Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at slightly faster than mile pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
St. George Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Early Fall Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and sixth intervals, 200m jog after third, fourth, and fifth intervals.
Early Fall Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 5-6 x 1000m with 400m recovery jog.
Early Fall Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular Group: 6 x 800m with 400-meter jog recovery.
Early Fall Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 3-4 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
Early Fall Marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second slow jog recovery.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with intervals of 3, 4, 5, and 6 minutes at 10K pace alternating with 3-minute intervals at normal distance pace.
Early fall marathon group: "Whistle" workout with intervals of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 minutes at 10K pace alternating with 3-minute intervals at normal distance pace.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m. 200m jog after first four intervals, 400m jog after next two intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800m's at 2-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400m's at 2-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first and third interval, 200m recovery jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 5200m at 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: 2 sets of 1 x 400m, 800m, 1200m. 400m at slightly faster than mile pace, 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 1200m at 5K pace. 200m jog after the 400m intervals, 400m jog after the other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. Push the last 400m of each interval.
July 4 race group: 4 x 400m at race pace with 400m slow jog recovery.
Regular group: 4-5 x 1600m at tempo with 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 4-5 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m jog recovery, 1 x 300m at slightly faster than mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and sixth intervals, 200m jog after third, fourth, and fifth intervals.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 15 minutes at tempo pace with a 3-minute recovery jog; 3 x 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace with a 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds per lap.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals at last week's 400m pace. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m recovery after even intervals.
Regular group: 12 x 400m with 200m recovery except 400m recovery after intervals four and eight.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800m's at 2-3 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400m's at 2-3 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 2-minute recovery jog. First two intervals at tempo pace, last interval at 5K pace.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 1600m. 200m jog after first four intervals, 400m jog after next two intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and sixth intervals, 200m jog after third, fourth, and fifth intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery.
Regular group: 4 x 1600m at tempo with 1-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m, with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular Group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 5 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 1-minute jog recovery.
Regular Group: 1 x 4800m (first 1600m at slightly slower than 10K pace, and then quicken the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m).
Regular Group: "Whistle" workout with efforts of 2, 5, 2, 5, and 2 minutes alternating with 3-minute recovery jogs. The 2-minute intervals should be slightly faster than 5K pace. The 5-minute intervals should be at 10K pace. The 3-minute intervals should start at a slow jog but be up to normal pace by the end of the interval.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 1600m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 800m's at 2-4 seconds faster per lap than 1600m interval, 400m's at 2-4 seconds faster per lap than 800m intervals. 400m recovery jog after first three intervals, 200m recovery jog after next three intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals. First and last intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace, middle intervals at mile pace.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with hard efforts of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 1 minutes. Equal time jog recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
Regular group: Mile time trial. Heats were: Sub-5:15 at 6:40 p.m. 5:15-5:45 at 6:50 p.m. 5:46-6:15 at 7:00 p.m. 6:16-6:45 at 7:10 p.m. 6:46-7:15 at 7:20 p.m. Over 7:15 at 7:30 p.m.
Regular group: 3-4 x (1 x 400m at mile pace, 200m recovery jog, 1 x 200m at faster than mile pace, 400m recovery jog).
CIM group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog
Regular group: 3 x 800m around mile pace, 4 x 200m around 800m pace. 4-minute recovery jog after 800m intervals; 2-minute recovery jog after 200m intervals.
CIM group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m. 400m recovery after first and sixth intervals; 200m recovery after all other intervals.
CIM group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Fall Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds.
New York Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Other Fall Marathoners: 4 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall Marathoners: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Other Fall Marathoners: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Chicago Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Other Fall Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and sixth intervals, 200m jog after third, fourth, and fifth intervals.
St. George Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Other Fall Marathoners: 1-2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Early Fall Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m. Pace and recovery to be discussed at workout.
Early Fall Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 24 x 400m relay (teams of two, 12 each).
Early Fall Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Early Fall Marathon group: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout (Yasso 800's).
Regular group: 3 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog; 1 x 1600m hard on the straights, floating through the curves (a "magic" mile).
Early Fall Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at 30 seconds slower than 5K pace with 90-second slow jog recovery.
Early Fall Marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 90-second slow jog recovery.
Post-AFC Half Marathon group: 35-minute easy run followed by 1 x 1200m striding the straights, slow jog on the curves
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
Early Fall Marathon group: Same as regular group, but add a fourth mile at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 5200m, 10K pace, groups of 5 in single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with intervals of 3, 4, 5, and 6 minutes at 10K pace alternating with 3-minute intervals at normal distance pace.
Regular group: 2 sets of 1 x 400m, 800m, 1200m. 400m at slightly faster than mile pace, 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 1200m at 5K pace. 200m jog after the 400m intervals. 400m jog after other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. Push the last 400m of each interval.
Will Rogers group: 4 x 400m at race pace with 400m slow jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and sixth intervals, 200m jog after third, fourth, and fifth intervals.
Regular group: 4-5 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m jog recovery, 1 x 300m at slightly faster than mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 6 x 800m at faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1600m at tempo with 60-second recovery, 2 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog. [For those focusing on the Brentwood race, 3 x 1200m at 5K pace].
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 2 x 800m; all with equal time recovery jog.
Regular group: 12 x 400m with 200m recovery except 400m recovery after intervals four and eight.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at tempo with 60- to 90-second recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 2400m at 95% effort. 10-minute recovery jog. 4 x 400m with 200m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2x1600, 2x1200, 2-minute recovery jog after the first two intervals, 400m recovery jog after the third interval.
Boston Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 15 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Boston Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 3 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and sixth intervals, 200m jog after third, fourth, and fifth intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Boston Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery.
Regular Group: 6 x 200m (200m recovery), 1 lap recovery, then 1 x 3200m.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 2000m, with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 1 x 10 min. recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 2000m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, all with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular Group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 8-10 x 800m with 400m recovery jog; pace to be discussed at workout.
Regular Group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with hard efforts of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 1 minutes. Equal time jog recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 2002m at tempo pace with 90-second jog recovery.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m at tempo with 90-second recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m at 90% effort. 8-minute slow jog recovery. 4 x 400m with 200m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 3 x 800m, 1 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
CIM/Culver City Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Honolulu Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m (first 1600m at slightly slower than 10K pace, and then quicken the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m).
CIM/Culver City Marathon group: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Honolulu Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 7 x 400m, 1 x 2000m. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval.
CIM/Culver City Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Honolulu Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with intervals of 3, 4, 5, and 6 minutes at 10K pace alternating with 3-minute intervals at normal distance pace.
Fall Marathon group: 3-5 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 1-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog.
Silicon Valley Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Early Fall Marathon group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog
Regular group: 2 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x 400m with 400m jog recovery for the first four intervals and 200m jog recovery after the fifth interval.
Early Fall Marathon group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 24 x 400m relay (teams of two, 12 each).
Early Fall Marathon group: 1 x 20 minutes, 1 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.

Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Early Fall Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals all at slightly faster than 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Early Fall Marathon group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 5-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, with 200m jog recovery after the 400's and 400m jog recovery after all other intervals.
Early Fall Marathon group: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 2 x 800m; all with equal time recovery jog.
Early Fall Marathon group: 4-5 x 1600m at 15 seconds slower than 5K pace with 400m jog recovery.
Post-AFC Half Marathon group: 35-minute easy run followed by 1 x 1200m striding the straights, slow jog on the curves.
Regular group: 6-8 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with intervals of 3, 4, 5, and 6 minutes at 10K pace alternating with 3-minute intervals at normal distance pace.
Regular group: 3-4 x 1600m with 400m jog recovery.
Regular group: 2-3 sets of 1 x 400m, 800m, 1200m. 400m at slightly faster than mile pace, 800m at slightly faster than 5K pace, 1200m at 8K pace. 200m jog after first and fourth intervals. 400m jog after other intervals.
Regular group: 4-5 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m jog recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 8 min. slow jog, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. slow jog, 1 x 800m, 4 min. slow jog, 1 x 400m. Push the last 400m of each interval.
Regular group: 4-5 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Regular group: 12 x 400m with 200m slow jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals all at 5K pace or slightly faster. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with hard efforts of 2, 5, 2, 5, and 2 minutes alternating with 3-minute recovery jog at normal distance pace.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group:1 x 15 minutes at 30 seconds slower than 5K pace; 3-minute easy recovery jog; 4 x 400m at 5K pace with 200m recovery jog.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 2-3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 7 x 400m, 1 x 2000m. 60-second rest after first six intervals, 400m jog after seventh interval.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
PV Half-Marathoners: 4 x 1200m at race pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 10 x 800m with 400m jog recovery. Pace to be discussed at workout.
Regular group: 5 x 1000m with 400m jog recovery.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 10 min.
Regular group: 2 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x 400m with 400m jog recovery for the first four intervals and 200m jog recovery after the fifth interval.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 3 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2 min. easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at tempo with 60- to 90-second recovery.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 5 x 1600m at 10 seconds slower than 5K pace with 400m jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating every 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 4 x 1600m at 5K pace with slow 400m jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 2400m at 95% effort. 10-minute rest. 4 x 400m with 200m recovery jog.
R'N'R Marathon Group: 6 x 1200m at 5K pace with slow 400m jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m, all with 400m recovery jog.
R'n'R Marathon group: 2 x 1600m, 2 x 1200m, all at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 400m jog recovery.
Regular group: 4 x (1 x 800m at 5K pace, 100m jog recovery, 1 x 300m at mile pace, 400m jog recovery).
Regular Group: 1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals all at 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Regular group: 6 x 200m, 1 x 3200m. Recovery and pace to be discussed at workout.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 24 x 400 relay (teams of two, 12 each).
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with hard efforts of 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, and 3 minutes. Equal time recovery at normal distance pace.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 3-4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2 minute easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2 min. easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Las Vegas Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than race pace with 400m recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 2 x 20 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 1 x 10 min. easy recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
Pacific Shoreline Marathoners: 4 x 1200m at 30 seconds faster than race pace with 400m recovery jog.
Pacific Shoreline Half Marathoners: 4 x 1200m at 10 seconds faster than race pace with 400m recovery jog.
Las Vegas Marathoners: 3 x 12 min. at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 8 x 800m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 30-second rest.
Regular group: 6 x 800m at faster than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Las Vegas Marathoners: 1 x 20 min. at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace, 5 min. recovery jog, 1-2 x 10 min.
Los Angeles Marathoners: 8 x 800m at slightly slower than 5K pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 12 x 400m with 200m jog recovery after all intervals except 400m jog recovery after intervals 4 and 8.
Las Vegas Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m alternating each 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds.
Regular group: "Whistle" workout with hard efforts of 2, 5, 2, 5, and 2 minutes alternating with 3-minute medium pace recoveries.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m (first 1600m at slightly slower than 10K pace, and then quicken the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m).
Regular group: 1 x 2000m at 95% effort. 8-minute rest. 4 x 400m with 200m recovery jog.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m at 5K pace with 400m recovery jog. Push last 800m of last interval.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 sets of 1 x 400m, 800m, 1200m. 200m jog after first and fourth intervals. 400m jog after other intervals.
Regular group: 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 2 x 800m; all with equal time rest.
Regular group: 4 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m with slightly more than equal time recovery jog.
Long Beach Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 400m recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog. First two slower than 5K pace; middle two at 5K pace; last two faster than 5K pace.
Long Beach Marathoners: 3 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 1 x 4800m (first 1600m at slightly slower than 10K pace, and then quicken the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m).
Silicon Valley Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Other Fall Marathoners: 1 x 20 min., 5 min. slow jog recovery, 1 x 12 min. at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace.
Regular group: 1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Chicago Marathoners: 4 x 4 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 3-minute recovery jog.
Other Fall Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 2-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
Fall Marathoners: 4 x 10 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 2 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x400m with 400m jog recovery except for only a 60-second rest after the fifth interval.
Fall Marathoners: 8-10 x 800m with 400m jog recovery.
Regular group: 1 x 2000m at 95% effort. 10-minute rest. 4 x 400m with 200m recovery jog.
Sacramento and St. George Marathoners: Back-to-back tempo runs at slightly faster than marathon pace.
Other Fall Marathoners: 1 x 20 min., 5 min. slow jog recovery, 1 x 10 min. at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace.
Regular group: 1 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 1 x 800m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
Fall Marathoners: 4 x 12 minutes at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with two-minute recovery jog.
Regular group: 6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
Sacramento and St. George Marathoners: 10 x 800m (pace and recovery to be discussed at workout).
Other Fall Marathoners: 6 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 60-second recovery.
Regular group: 12 x 400m with 200m jog recovery. Pace quickens 2-3 seconds after fourth and eighth intervals.
Fall Marathoners: 5 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 60-second recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 60-second recovery.
Fall Marathoners: 5 x 1600m at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace with 60-second recovery.
Regular group: 3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
Hood-to-Coast group: Same as regular group, but second interval should be done 30-40 seconds slower.
Fall Marathoners: Same as regular group, but add a fourth mile at 30 seconds faster than marathon pace.
1 x 5200m, groups of 5, 10K pace, single-file, last runner surges to front every 200m.
2x800m, 4x400m, 2x800m; all with equal time rest.
1 x 4800m alternating each 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds.
1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals all at 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
2 sets of 1 x 400m, 800m, 1200m. 400m at mile pace, 800m at 5K pace, 1200m at 10K pace. 200m jog after first and fourth intervals. 400m jog after other intervals.
3-4 x 1600m with 60-second rest.
Most members ran in the Will Rogers 5K/10K. A few folks showed up to run 1 x 1600m, 8 min. rest, 1 x 1200m, 6 min. rest, 1 x 800m, 4 min. rest, 1 x 400m. Push the last 400m of each interval.
4 x 1200m with 400m recovery jog.
6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
12 x 400m with 200m jog recovery. Pace quickens 2-3 seconds after fourth and eighth intervals.
1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and fifth intervals, 200m jog after third and fourth intervals.
4 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m with slightly more than equal time recovery jog. PV Half-Marathoners: 4 x 1200m at race pace with 400m recovery jog.
3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
8 x 400m, 1 x 2000m. 60-second rest after first seven intervals, 400m jog after eighth interval.
4 x 1200m with 400m jog recovery. Intervals 1 and 3 are to be run fast-medium-fast; Intervals 2 and 4 are to be run medium-fast-medium.
6 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 60-second rest after first five intervals, 400m jog after sixth interval.
1 x 4800m (first 1600m at slightly slower than 10K pace, and then quicken the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m).
1 x 1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals all at 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Alternating 400's for 4800m. On interval at 5K goal pace. Off interval 20 seconds slower.
1 x 2000m at 95% effort. 10-minute rest. 4 x 400m with 200m recovery jog.
1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
3 x 1600m with 60-second rest.
"Whistle" workout with 10K pace for 2, 5, 2, 5, and 2 minutes alternating with 3-minute normal pace recoveries.
1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m. 400m jog after first, second, and fifth intervals, 200m jog after third and fourth intervals.
1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 200m jog after first interval, 400m jog after all other intervals. L.A. Marathoners: 3 x 800m at 25 seconds faster per mile than marathon pace.
24 x 400m relay with one partner of equal ability. L.A. Marathoners: 3 x 10 minutes at 25 seconds per mile faster than marathon pace.
2 x 3200m with 2 min. rest at tempo pace. L.A. Marathoners: 3 x 3200m at 25 seconds faster than marathon pace.
12 x 400m with 200m jog recovery.
6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
4 x 1200m, getting 10 seconds faster each 400m, with 400m jog recovery.
3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
2 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x400m with 400m rest after the first four intervals and a 60-second rest after the fifth interval.
3 x 1600m with 60-second rest.
1 x 4800m alternating each 400m between 5K pace and that speed plus 20 seconds.
"Whistle" workout with hard efforts of 2, 5, 2, 5, and 2 minutes alternating with 3-minute medium pace recoveries.
1 x 4800m (first 1600m at slightly slower than 10K pace, and then quicken the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m).
1 x 2000m at 95% effort. 7-minute rest. 4 x 400m with 200m recovery jog.
4x400m, 2x800m, 4x400m with slightly more than equal time recovery.
1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1200m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m, equal distance recovery.
4 x 1200m with 400m jog recovery.
1 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 1600m, 1 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 200m jog after first interval, 400m jog after all other intervals.
1 x 800m at 5K pace followed by 4 x 400m, 2 x 200m, 4 x 400m, 2 x 200m. 400m jog after first interval, 200m jog after all other intervals.
1 x 4800m (first 1600m at slightly slower than 10K pace, and then quicken the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m).
3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
2 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x400m with 400m rest after the first four intervals and a 60-second rest after the fifth interval.
"Whistle" workout. Hard efforts of 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1 (total of 18 minutes). Equal time recovery efforts (at normal distance pace - not shuffle-jog!).
5 x 1000m with 400m jog rest interval, except the last rest interval is equal time standing rest.
1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, three-minute rest after first 1600m, 90-second rest after all other intervals.
4 x 1200m with 400m jog recovery.
3 x 1600m with 5-minute jog off intervals.
4x400m, 2x800m, 4x400m with slightly more than equal time recovery.
2x800m, 4x400m, 2x800m; all with equal time rest.
4 x 800m at mile race pace, 2 x 400m at same pace, 3-minute rest between 800's, 75-second rest between 400's.
1 x 1600m, 1 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 1 x 400m. 400m jog recovery between intervals. The last 400m of each interval done hard.
4 x 1200m with 400m jog recovery.
1 x 3200m at 10K pace, three-minute rest, 1 x 1600m (jog the curves, fast on the straightaways).
3 x 1600m, 400m recovery. The total time for each 1600m should be at 5K race pace done as follows: the first two 400m are at race pace, the third 400m is 5-10 seconds slower, and the last 400m is 5-10 seconds faster than the original pace (e.g., 80, 80, 85, 75).
1 x 4800m, increase the pace by 10 seconds every 1600m.
2 x 1200m, 2 x 800m, 2 x400m with 400m rest after the first four intervals and a 60-second rest after the fifth interval.
1 x 5200m, groups of 5, 10K pace, single-file, last man surges to front every 200m.
1 x 1600m, 4 x 400m, 1 x 1600m, three-minute rest between sets, and 90-second rest between 400's.
1600m, 400m, 1200m, 400m, 800m, 400m. Odd intervals all at 5K pace. Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400m. 400m recovery after odd intervals and 200m after even intervals.
Alternating 400's for three continuous miles. On interval at 5K goal pace. Off interval 20 seconds slower.
3 x 1600m with 400m recovery.
4 x 400m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m with slightly more than equal time recovery.
1 x 1600m at 10K pace, 8 x 200m, 1 x 800m at 5K pace. Five minutes recovery jog after first interval. One minute recovery after first seven 200s. Two minutes recovery after the last 200.
6 x 800m with 400m recovery jog.
4 x 1200m with 400m jog recovery.
12 x 400m. Consistent pace. 200m jog recovery.
1 times 4800m dropping 10 seconds each 1600m.
5 times 1000m with 400m recovery jog.
2x1200, 2x800, 2x400 with full lap recovery after the first four intervals and 60 second recovery after the fifth interval.
2x800, 4x400, 2x800 all with equal time rest.
4 times 400m, 2 times 800m, 4 times 400m all with equal time recovery.
3 times 1600m with 60 second recovery.
6 times 800m with full lap jog recovery.
"Whistle" workout. Hard efforts of 2, 5, 2, 5, and 2 minutes alternating with medium pace recoveries of 3 minutes.
3 times 1600 with 400 jog recovery.
Post-Valentine's workout: 12 times 400 at equal pace. Equal time recovery after all intervals except for full lap after number 8. Feel the love!
1 times 800, 8 times 200, 1 times 800. Three minutes recovery after first interval. One minute recovery after first seven 200s. Two minutes recovery after the last 200.
1600, 400, 1200, 400, 800, 400. Odd intervals all at same pace (5K race pace or faster). Even intervals 3 to 5 seconds faster per 400. 400 recovery after odd intervals and 200 after even intervals.
"Whistle" workout. Hard efforts of 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1.5, and 1.5 minutes (total of 15 minutes). Equal time recovery efforts (at distance run pace - not shuffle-jog!).
4 times 1200 with one lap recovery jog.
4 times 400, 2 times 800, 4 times 400. Equal time recovery jog.
1600 at 95% effort. Long recovery then 4 times 400 at same pace as the 1600.
"Whistle" workout. Hard efforts of 2, 5, 2, 5, and 2 minutes alternating with medium pace recoveries of 3 minutes.
3 times 4 sets of 400. Consistent pace. 200 meter recovery within sets and full lap between sets.
Ladder workout: 400, 800, 1600, 800, 400. Recovery jog of half the distance (but only 400 after the 1600).
One interval of 2000 meters at better than 5K pace. Long recovery and then 4 times 400 meters at roughly 5K pace.
3 sets of 4 times 200 meters. Times descended between sets.
3 sets of 4 times 400 meters. Times descended between sets.
6 times 800 meters with a one lap jog recovery.
3 times 1 mile with one lap recovery.
One fast mile at 90 to 95% effort. 6 minute recovery. 5 times 400m with short recovery (marathoners 3 times one mile at 40 seconds faster than marathon goal pace instead of the 400's).
3 sets of 4 times 400 with very short recovery. Full recovery between each set.