Workout for Tuesday, February 18

Beginning group: 6-8 x 400m at 5K pace with 2:00 jog recovery.

Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.

Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 18:00 at tempo pace, 1 x 20:00-30:00 (you choose within that range) at normal run pace, 1 x 18:00 at tempo pace. [This is a long workout, so i) feel free to get started early and ii) cut the length of the second tempo interval if you did not run last week's workout.]

Workout for Tuesday, February 25

To be posted by Tuesday afternoon.

Tonight's workout for Tuesday, February 18

Regular group: 4 x 1200m at slightly faster than 5K pace with 3:00-4:00 recoveries.

Los Angeles Marathon group: 1 x 18:00 at tempo pace, 1 x 20:00-30:00 (you choose within that range) at normal run pace, 1 x 18:00 at tempo pace. [This is a long workout, so i) feel free to get started early and ii) cut the length of the second tempo interval if you did not run last week's workout.]